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Sunday, March 2, 2014

Liver Disease

A study published in "Hepatology, the Journal of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases found that SAM-e could prevent liver disease used intravenously under the supervision of a doctor. SAM-e is also used for osteoarthritis pain and depression and may reduce symptoms of fibromyalgia. Doses are 400 to 800 mg twice a day for depression and 300-600 mg twice a day for osteoarthritis and 400 mg two to four times per day for fibromyalgia.

Zinc for Bacteria and Viruses

Researchers published a new study in the Journal of Leukocyte Biology on how zinc helps cold and flu. After taking a zinc supplement or placebo and comparing blood samples it was found that zinc activates T cells responsible for fighting bacteria and viruses.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Ways to Fight Depression Naturally

L-tryptophan and L-tyrosine are amino acids that the body uses to produce neurotransmitters. L-tryptophan is necessary for serotonin, associated with feelings of well-being; L-tyrosine is converted into dopamine and norepinephrine, neurotransmitters that regulate mood and behavior. Foods rich in tryptophan are turkey, cheese, chicken, fish, and beans. Tyrosine is in almonds, avocados, bananas, cheese and pumpkin seeds.

St. John's Wort is a flowering herb used to treat mood and depression. Testing found it to be as effective as antidepressant drugs with fewer side effects. Take 900 mg per day that has been standardized to 0.3 percent hypericin content.

When eating out at Chinese restaurants look out for monosodium glutamate (MSG) an excitotoxin that can decrease efficiency of neurotransmitters and lead to anxiety and depression. Skip the diet soda; most are sweetened with aspartame, which also acts as an excitotoxin. Have green tea or sparkling water.

Cookies, candy and sugary treats cause blood sugar highs and lows; this can cause mood swings, fatigue and symptoms of depression. Sugar intake depletes B vitamins impacting neurotransmitter production.  Eat nuts, seeds, carrot sticks, popcorn or hummus. If you eat sugar in small quantities after a balanced meal it's absorption making it less likely to cause blood sugar swings.

Limit alcohol which is a central nervous system depressant that hampers neurotransmitter function, increasing risk of depression. More than two drinks per day disrupts the REM stage of sleep, necessary for serotonin production.

Selenium, a trace mineral and antioxidant. Multiple studies have linked low selenium intake with depressed mood and others have found that selenium improves mood and reduces anxiety. Foods that contain selenium are turkey, cod, and tunas.

SAM-e has been used in Europe for nearly 40 years to treat depression. 800 mg twice daily is found to be effective.

Exercise and meditation reduces stress and boosts mood. Do what you like tennis, swimming or dancing. Doesn't have to be at a gym.

Other supplements like zinc were found at low levels in people with depression. You can take a supplement or eat oysters, crab, turkey, lentils and pumpkin seeds. Magnesium is necessary for the synthesis of serotonin and other neurotransmitters. Magnesium can also improve symptoms of depression, anxiety and insomnia available in supplement form and the foods buckwheat, spinach, halibut and pumpkin seeds. People who took 150-300 mg at each meal and bedtime showed rapid recovery from depression symptoms.

B vitamins are critical for brain health and for converting amino acids into neurotransmitters. Folate is so important that a severe deficiency may cause anxiety and even schizophrenic behavior. Turkey, tuna, milk and eggs are good sources or take high-quality supplements.

Omega-3 fats are by the the best studied and safest treatment for mood disorders and depression. Omega-3's improve oxygenation of the blood, which stimulates the production of neurotransmitters and also keeps nerve cell membranes flexible to ensure efficient transmission of signals.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

(1) Natural Remedies

(1) Natural Remedies

Persistent Diarrhea in Kittens

There can be many reasons for kitten diarrhea. Usually it’s intestinal parasites, bacteria or food allergies. Whether or not your kitten has parasites you can treat them naturally with a probiotic to help balance the beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract. Also feed a bland diet for a couple to four weeks.

Get more info on RunnyPoo Relief - a natural remedy containing herbal and homeopathic ingredients which are carefully selected to maintain digestive balance, firm stools and healthy bowel functioning just when your pet needs it most.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Help for Osteoarthritis of the Knee

Researchers in Japan asked 40 men and women who were experiencing pain with osteoarthritis of the knees to take a placebo or the supplement containing 1,200 of glucosamine hydrochloride, 60 mg of chondroitin sulfate and 45 mg of quercetin daily for 16 weeks.

After 16 weeks the group taking the supplements were walking and climbing stairs with much less pain. The supplement did not reduce swelling or range of motion.

Prescription drugs for osteoarthritis such as COX-2 inhibitors have shown produce insufficient benefits and are associated with unwanted side effects.